Sunday, August 28, 2005

She has returned!

Kay, y'all I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Ummm.... I'll catch up tomorrow at Gramma's. For tonight, I need to crash. A week away will do that to ya! Love ya and I'll catch up with your lives ASAP. I'm going to turn all alerts back on as soon as I save this. So.... what did I miss in *your* life?

I miss you!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Good-bye for now

Kay, y'all. I'm gonna be gone for a week with Lindz. I'm going to Alpine Lake camping. For some reason I'm not excited about it at all. We leave tomorrow morning but I'm going there tonight. (She gets back from WI tonight.) I better go get my ass in gear and pack up. I'll try to pop by here later to do a question or two that I still haven't gotten to and to say good-bye. If I don't remember or have time, I love you all and I'll miss you! And I'll be back the 28th (but I may not post until the 29th or 30th).


Monday, August 8, 2005

Not Journal Jar but deal

True Story. A religion teacher assigned her class an essay on what makes a good Christian. One student wrote about praying nightly, say no to abortion, banning gay marriage, and donating money. The other student wrote about talking to God and allowing people to enjoy their lives, and supporting gay marriage. The day the teacher was to hand the papers back, she called up the second student and told him she would pray for him when he went to hell. The student asked why would he be going to hell, and why he got an F on his paper. The teacher told him that Catholisim is against gay marriage. The student looked at her for a minute, then said aloud, "I'm gay." The teacher kicked him out of class as if he had said fuck or worshiped Satan. A girl in the back of class who had a boyfriend and was obviously straight got up and left too.

If you would leave the classroom, repost this. It doesn't matter if you're straight, bi, or gay. It doesn't matter if you're Catholic or not. Everyone is a human being and deserves happiness.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Caught up except for ONE

Question #73

What was your favorite age so far and why?

So far, I liked being seven best, I think. I was innocent and naive and Daddy's Little Girl. We went to Niagara Falls that year and we moved that April. I hated it at first but, I quickly made friends and learned that I could walk to school in the spring (with my parents, of course). I still played with my Barbies and Mrs. Foro was still my teacher (but that year she had a baby and was out on maternity leave so we had Mrs. Colway for part of the year but she was just as nice and wound up being my fourth grade teacher). And I *think* I had lunch with Mrs. Murdock (our principal) (this was a good thing) but that may have been second grade. So seven was my favorite age so far.

Question # 76

What personality traits do you admire the most?

I admire open-mindedness, honesty, trustworthiness, and sincerity most. If someone can't accept diversity, I can't admire them. If someone isn't honest and trustworthy, I can't like them because I can't trust them and I can't take their word at face value. If someone is insincere, I, once again, can't respect them. I guess it's just the way I was raised and the beliefs around me.

Time to go finish my daily plans (aka do my nails and dust my room).


Wednesday, August 3, 2005

still catching up but ALMOST there!

Question #77

What was your favorite thing to do with your family when you were young?

I loved playing cards when I was little. We'd play Uno a lot. Dad taught me blackjack before he went to Canada so he'd have practice for the casino (great role model, no?). We went on vacations twice and they were fun (but another question). I loved just hanging out as a family. Mom would make picnics and we'd have them on the picnic tables Dad made. I remember loving the family nights we'd have. Typically when the power went out, we'd get out the candles for light and play board games. We'd watch videos and just have fun.

Question #70

Where do you like to vacation and why?

I haven't really been anywhere but, I like camping. It's fun to just get away for a few days. No real modern conviences. Of course, I'm sure I'll be in hell coming back after my week in Alpine what with all the journal alerts I'll have but, I'll get through that. I loved NYC, Niagara Falls, and the Adirondacks (both times).

Question #63

How do you feel about Doctors and why?

I don't mind them. I hate shots (terrified of needles) but, doctors are okay. Mine is pretty nice. Shrinks are another story. I'm not as bad as Sayiiiiid is but, I don't like shrinks. My last one was nuts. Course, this all may change after my OB/GYN appointment.


I've just been told to get off. So my stories about NYC, Niagara Falls, the Adirondacks, and Ontario Park will have to wait for tomorrow. God bless and good night.
