Thursday, August 4, 2005

Caught up except for ONE

Question #73

What was your favorite age so far and why?

So far, I liked being seven best, I think. I was innocent and naive and Daddy's Little Girl. We went to Niagara Falls that year and we moved that April. I hated it at first but, I quickly made friends and learned that I could walk to school in the spring (with my parents, of course). I still played with my Barbies and Mrs. Foro was still my teacher (but that year she had a baby and was out on maternity leave so we had Mrs. Colway for part of the year but she was just as nice and wound up being my fourth grade teacher). And I *think* I had lunch with Mrs. Murdock (our principal) (this was a good thing) but that may have been second grade. So seven was my favorite age so far.

Question # 76

What personality traits do you admire the most?

I admire open-mindedness, honesty, trustworthiness, and sincerity most. If someone can't accept diversity, I can't admire them. If someone isn't honest and trustworthy, I can't like them because I can't trust them and I can't take their word at face value. If someone is insincere, I, once again, can't respect them. I guess it's just the way I was raised and the beliefs around me.

Time to go finish my daily plans (aka do my nails and dust my room).


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