Question #77
What was your favorite thing to do with your family when you were young?
I loved playing cards when I was little. We'd play Uno a lot. Dad taught me blackjack before he went to Canada so he'd have practice for the casino (great role model, no?). We went on vacations twice and they were fun (but another question). I loved just hanging out as a family. Mom would make picnics and we'd have them on the picnic tables Dad made. I remember loving the family nights we'd have. Typically when the power went out, we'd get out the candles for light and play board games. We'd watch videos and just have fun.
Question #70
Where do you like to vacation and why?I haven't really been anywhere but, I like camping. It's fun to just get away for a few days. No real modern conviences. Of course, I'm sure I'll be in hell coming back after my week in Alpine what with all the journal alerts I'll have but, I'll get through that. I loved NYC, Niagara Falls, and the Adirondacks (both times).
Question #63
How do you feel about Doctors and why?
I don't mind them. I hate shots (terrified of needles) but, doctors are okay. Mine is pretty nice. Shrinks are another story. I'm not as bad as Sayiiiiid is but, I don't like shrinks. My last one was nuts. Course, this all may change after my OB/GYN appointment.
I've just been told to get off. So my stories about NYC, Niagara Falls, the Adirondacks, and Ontario Park will have to wait for tomorrow. God bless and good night.
I identify the teaching children gambling things.
I was taught that too at early age.
Wanna talk about a good role model..........................
My mother has pictures of me as a grade school kid, playing poker with my Dad and Uncles, etc and drinking bottles of beer.
My Dad was full blooded German. We were given Beer as Children !!!!!!!!
We played Uno when I was a kid..well we still play with Pey now :)
Yeah, the OB/GYN, that's always fun! ;) it's really not that bad once you get used to it, but it's definitely a shock the first time!
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