Sunday, February 27, 2005

How'd I miss this one?

Journal Jar #13

Do you remember any special events that took place in your neighborhood while you were growing up?  (deaths, fires, accidents etc)?

Nothing really happened here! We had a fire a couple weeks ago. The blackout of '04. Ice storm of '92-ish. Nothing really though. I remember the fire and the black-out. I remember thunderstorms and snowstorms but nothing spectacular. Nothing happened when I was young. Seriously. Welcome to small town life. Hahaha! Time to do stuffs!

Love always,

Saturday, February 26, 2005

More ketchup!

More Journal Jar Catching-up

Journal Jar #9

Do you speak any other languages?  What are they?  Have you ever taken classes to try to learn another language?

I speak English (obviously), German, and ASL. I've taken classes for German, ASL, and I had a semester of French, one of Latin, and one of Spanish. I love ASL. For those of you who don't know, that's American Sign Language. I love to talk with my hands and being Italian, it's nice when I can have a purpose for it instead of just waving them around as I always tend to do.

Journal Jar #10

Did it snow where you grew up? What did you do in the snow?

I grew up/ am growing up in Rochester, NY. I used to make snowmen, snow angels, and have snow ball fights. Once my dad made me a house in the snow with stairs and loveseats and chairs and couches. I loved it.

Journal Jar #11

Who taught you to drive a car?

Okay, just because I'm fifteen and I can't get my permit until next year doesn't mean I haven't driven. I grew up sitting on "Daddy's lap" and "driving" aka steering on clear roads and into the driveway. I remember one time when I was "driving" that Dad had to take over because the cars were parked so closely that I would've hit one of them. I had a dream about it too before it happened. For some reason it still haunts me.

Journal Jar # 12

What kind of sports did you play when you were young?  What was your favorite sport?  What IS your favorite sport now?  (playing or watching).

I didn't. I've never been athletic and I've never played sports much. I did play soccer for years in the recreational leagues and I still suck at it. I played baseball for a year and could hardly hit the ball! I don't like sports now except for gymnastics. I love the uneven bars, balance beam, and parallel bars!

That's all for Journal Jar today! I'm all caught up! WooHoo!


Children, cover your eyes!

  You Are a White Cotton Bra!

Practical, comfortable, and classic

You want your man to feel relaxed and himself with you

Your perfect guy is low maintenance and adaptable

And he makes you feel comfy and cozy too!

Practical, comfortable, classic... that's me
Relaxed and himself.... would help
Low maintenance.... yep
Adaptable.... uh-huh
Comfy and cozy are a definite pro!

LOL What Kind of Bra are You?

Onto the next entry........


Friday, February 25, 2005

Catching up....

Journal Jar Ketchup... I mean Catch-Up

Journal Jar #6

Did you have a roommate?  What was that person like? What did you learn about living with other people besides your own family?

I haven't moved out yet but I have kinda moved into my friends houses before. Liz first, then Lindz. I learned that too much exposure to a friend can turn the relationship. But I loved it. Lindz hated it when I basically lived with Liz because we got so close and kinda excluded her. You see, with the three of us muskteers, we'd switch on and off between being best friends. It'd be Lindz and Liz then Liz and me then Lindz and me. It always switched but the three of us were always close no matter what.

Journal Jar #7

What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone in your home?

Speaking of being home alone, I am right now! Thanks goodness! Typically, I put on my favorite nightgown (which I don't let any see me in because it's actually lingerie) and watch Comedy Central Presents.... which is stand-up comedy. Amateurs but they're funny as h-e-double hockey sticks. I eat junk food and just live by myself for a couple hours. But tonight, I'm catching up on journals and hangin' out (in jeans and a hoodie b/c I don't sit at the computer in a negligee). It's quite fun and entertaining.

Journal Jar #8

What are your dreams, hopes and expectations for your children?

Well, at the young age of fifteen, I have not yet followed in the footsteps of my mother or grandmother (both of whom had children at the age of fifteen; mom's first and BG's second). Thus I have no children to answer this question about. I shall take BOTH of Promise's suggestions and I shall answer about both myself and a child in my life (for me, it's my baby sister).

My dreams, hopes, and expectations for myself first.....
OW! Frozen "silky dark chocolate" Dove bar! Ahhhh! As I was saying.... I dream of finding true love. I hope to find Prince Charming. And I fully expect to. I hope to go to college. On a full acedemic scholarship. Not a community college. Maybe not Ivy League but a good school. Like a state school or such. UCLA or Columbia or such. I hope to love with all my heart, to give myself 100% to someone, to be myself around him and not fear him abandoning me (since we all know children of divorce tend to have those fears and maybe I do subconsciously). I dream of being happy, of continuing my musical studies, but of being able to listen to karaoke without cringing at their bad technique. I want to take up piano again, to be able to play the bass part at the same time, to use my left hand just as well as my right. To play something amazing like they always do on TV, like Ephram on Everwood. To rekindle my friendships from my old town (and gosh is it hard to not just use the name of the town) and to be able to hang out with Jon without feeling betrayed or hurt or afraid. To figure out what the deal is with Tom, and Jake, and Murph, and Taylor, and all the other guys that come along. (Mental note: must update general public on the male situation in my life.) I have many hopes, dreams, and expectations for myself. I expect to get my room clean, to FLY. Onto my baby sister.....

I hope she doesn't have to deal with the cops like I did. I hope she grows up happy and playing in the dirt like a normal little girl. I hope she plays with her Barbies too. I hope she doesn't fall into the kind of life that leads to the kind of life I'm trying to avoid. The life filled with sex, drugs, and parties. I hope she manages to get good grades. I hope she's happy. I hope she turns to me when she needs to talk, or cry, or when she gets interested in boys or make-up. I hope I can be there for her the way I thought Jule was going to be for me (from afar, of course). I hope she lets me be there. Even when she gets older and rebellious and starts pushing people away. I dream of a good life for her. Without her parents fighting. I dream of a life for her that everyone wants. Some highs, some lows, but some good times sprinkled throughout. I expect her to grow up to break hearts. I expect that she pull the cats tail and be a "terrible two". But I also expect that she want to dance with me when The Wiggles CD goes in. I expect that she come to my wedding and that I get invited to hers. I expect her to be my bridesmaid (or flower girl, depending on how long it takes me to get hitched, lol). I expect that she wait, just as I am, to have children and that she not take after Mom. I love my mother but I don't want the life she had. I don't want my Pixie baby to have that life. *tears* That's heavier than I thought it would get. lol

I'd love to do more tonight but, I've got only a few minutes. I'll finish catching up tomorrow. Much love to all!


Monday, February 21, 2005

Goddess Eyes

The Goddess of Roses and Love. You are a hopeless romantic. Always optimistic and loving, you have many friends and you are exceptionally trustworthy. You are a innocent beauty.


That would be me! hehe ^_^ Which Goddess are you?


In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything because your eyes are covered up by tears! You are constantly hurt and depressed... No one seems to understand how you feel because everyone is scared to get close to you... You long to be able to reach out and tell someone everything, and all of your problems... But you have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to want to hear what you have to say. You've been hurt many times that you don't seem to have any tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an endless river flowing... You've started to hide and bottle up all or your problems and feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go away... You want company, but at the same time, you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your room where you can just be alone and try to throw away all of your aching pains. You're dark and mysterious and people like you for that reason. Even if you think you're all by yourself in the dark, someone is always there with you. Your special someone wants to admit and show their feelings towards you, but they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out more and enjoy life because, it is far too long to frown your way through :)


Definitly somewhat like me. I guess I'm just in that place where no matter how happy I am at the circumstances (like last night at the lock-in!) there's some place inside me that's sad and confused. I'm trying to change that. What lies behind your eyes?


Quizzes found at Angel's journal

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Did you belong to girl/boy scouts?  Tell something about that?

Oh, yeah! I was in girl scounts from Daisies (Kindergarten) until Juniors (Fifth Grade) and probably would be still if I hadn't moved. I loved it! We met once a week at my school and mostly in the cafeteria. It was somewhat boring at times but we did stuff like waitress at a local diner for a Spaghetti Charity Thingy. Not the actual name but, still we did it. Served salads and spaghetti (obviously) and bread. Oh, and drinks, of course. Not alcoholic drinks but soda and milk and such. 'Twas quite fun. Now I sound like Jake. (Perhaps because I'm talking to him. In an old english dialect that began over me sending him this "rose": @~>. And then he sent me one. hehe ^_^) We made crafts and had a great deal of fun every week. We had planned to travel to London when we were 12 but it got postponed until 14. I lost touch and I don't know if they went to London or NYC or anywhere and I sure didn't go with them. But yes, I was in Girl Scouts.

Must go..... much love!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Journal Jar #1-4

Catching up on Journal Jar!

Describe your first job.  What did it pay? What were your duties?  What was your boss like?

I'm still not allowed to work legally. Well, I could get a work permit but, I don't want to. I can wait another year for it. First job.... ummm I've babysit my cousin a couple times for $2 an hour. I had to keep an eye on her and fix her snacks and stuff. I had no real boss.

What games did you play in your house or neighborhood?

I loved to play school and house. I loved Barbies, too. We played pretend on my street. Stuff like, oh! Like the Princess and the Dragon. Nothing out of the ordinary, mostly.

If you could be a flower, what would you be and why?

If I could be a flower, I'd be a rose. They're the epitimy of romance and I am a hopeless romantic. They come in many colors as well. Red for romance, white for purity, purple for quirkiness, pink for innocence. So many colors, so many facets. Just like me. :o)

Between the age of 5 & 10, what was your favorite activity?

Between five and ten, what did I most like to do? Apparently, I liked to write, play with my friends, and not clean my room. I apparently liked to play Barbies but not with alone. Ummm that's what I get for asking my dad. I played with my Barbies every night and then cleaned them up and watched the Simpsons and then Seinfeld. Yes, I was about six. And yes, I was allowed to watch them.

That's it. Look forward to more when alerts work.


Friday, February 4, 2005


Links to the quizzes in the past entry. I just copy pasted the stuff from the result box for that. It didn't work, apparently.

In reverse order......

Pysch-Ward Analysis

Birth Month Analysis

What American high-school stereotype are you?

What kind of guy do you attract?

What kind of prom dress fits your personality?

What kind of teen are you?

The mood quiz (with blinkies)

Why do you cry?

What piercing are you? (No, I did NOT get a piercing. My only holes that are not natural are in my eyes. I have one hole in each ear.)

What kind of kiss are you?


And that is it for now. I'll do more quizzes soon, I'm sure.


Thursday, February 3, 2005


<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='2253"' http:>"What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.

Definitly me, the romantic.


<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='6279"' http:>"What piercing are you?"

You're wild. You're an extravert that likes to have fun and enjoys the clublife!

Not me.....


<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='2001"' http:>"Why do you cry?"

Your a Hopeless Romantic
You have been rejected by many boys/girls even thought you thought they was the one you truly loved. Even when u tell them everything they still reject you in the end.

Yes! Me to a T.

<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='507"' http:>"The MOOD quiz! (With cool blinkies!)"

You've been hurt before, you have a reason to feel sad. But it's time to get over it. Try to open up to people and you'll feel a lot better.

Me heartbroken? Maybe fearful of being heartbroken....

<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='1594"' http:>"What kind of teen are you?"

You are a NERD! You're good with computers and are very book smart. You probably play in the band too. But that doesn't stand well with the Jocks. Learn how to open your locker from the inside before its too late. Cause we all know what the Jocks do to you, the NERD.

Good with computers + book smart does not equal nerd, thank you very much.

<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='10888"' http:>"What Kind of Prom Dress Fits Your Personality?? (Girls Only!!!)"

Princess Ball Gown
You pride yourself on being a supergirlie girl! Sweet and cute, you're known for putting in the kind of extra effort that will always make you look classically feminine.

That's definitly me. But for a normal day, jeans and a T.


<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='7799"' http:>"What Kind of Guy Do You Attract?"

Bad Boy
you love em' w/ a little edge, don't ya! Hop on a motorcycle and ride till ya die w/ ya parter.Your parter is a crazy ass mofo. if i were you I would have the cops on speed dial. (for your safety).

I typically do like my guys with a bad boy edge. But not so bad that I'm gonna need the cops on speed dial for my safety.


<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='510"' http:>"What American High-School stereotype are you ?"

Normal Person
You are normal in every single way. You don't seem to stand-out in the crowd. Your motto would be something normal like ' Have Fun'.

There is no normal.

<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='1988"' http:>"What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent andclever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

Let's go with one word: basically.

<A href="<a%20href=" quiz.php?id='748"' http:>"Your Psych-Ward diagnosis"

Diagnosis: Autism. A developmental disability resulting from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the abnormal development of communication skills, social skills, and reasoning. Symptoms, which vary widely in severity, include impairment in social interaction, fixation on inanimate objects,inability to communicate normally, and resistance to changes in daily routine.

Nope, not autistic.


And that is my first entry. hehe ^_^

Randomly yours,