Question #66
What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
I love the Fourth of July. It means I get to hang out with my friends and dance and celebrate and whatnot. It also means guaranteed fried dough. I go to the fireworks here with Lindz (used to be with my family) and we hang and run into people and eat junk and play games. I do my nails red, white, and blue and I typically wear red, white, and blue, too. It's really fun to just hang out and be so anonymous in such a large crowd. And the fireworks are *amazing*. (Green! lol don't mind me)
Question #67
Did you and your father share any interests? Tell about your relationship with him.
My dad and I were very close when I was little. When my parents split, I stayed with him. I was always Daddy's Little Girl. Before I got my tonsils out, I wanted my dad to go in with me but I didn't want Mom to feel like Joey and I loved Dad more so I had her in with me. Funny because now, my reaction is typically "I want my mommy". When I hit puberty, things got weird. Dad didn't get me and I didn't feel close to either parent. I was closer to Lori than anyone. Now, I'm a little older and I fight with my dad a lot but, it's getting better. Coming out of my depression made me easier to deal with and when I'm easier to deal with, he's easier to deal with. So I don't mind him as much. We both read a lot and we both love to camp. Camping in our house means in a tent in a sleeping bag in your jeans on the ground. In the morning, coffee is made by heating water over the campfire before breakfast. I got my love of camping from my parents. The smell of a fire, the taste of s'mores, the sounds of the woods, the feel of the earth under your feet, the satisfaction of setting up camp, the sight of dinner burned so horribly over the fire that you give up and go to a restaurant. lol My dad and I were thisclose when I was little, but now not so much. But some part of me will always be Daddy's Little Girl.
Question #74
Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family. How did you decorate it? When did you put it up?
Since I was in, like, second grade, we've had a real tree. We go and try to find the perfect tree. I never got to get the one I liked until this year. For some reason, it was really important that I got my tree. We cut it down and bring it home and set it up. It sits there, bare, for a few days and then we decorate it. On go the lights. On goes the garland (which we lacked this year). On go the ornaments. The baby Jesus is the highest ornament below the angel. My Barbie ornaments always go on along with our year ornaments. The year bulbs only go on for certain years. 1990, 1993 or 1994, and 1989 almost always make it on. I set up my tree in one day. It comes out of the basement. I find a spot for the 2 1/2 foot tall fake tree that is horribly crushed. The branches get poofed. The ornaments rehung. The Barbie placed strategically so that I can remember Gumpy but not get depressed about him. The aluminum and cardboard star goes on top, just like every year. I love seeing the lights blurred before I go to sleep. (Because I'm very myopic, the lights become circular and blurry.)
Question #75
Tell the words of a song from your childhood and describe any memories it holds for you.
Easy. You are my sunshine. My mom always sang this to me. I remember one time, I don't know how old I was or what it was about but, I was crying and Mom stroked my hair and sang that to me as I cried all over her shirt. It always makes me feel young and protected. Also, the Garth Brooks song, If Tomorrow Never Comes. My dad used to sing this to me. Whenever I'm mad at him, if this comes on the radio, I have to change the station. And My Girl. I got out of the shower one night and I was looking in the mirror and Dad had helped me shower (I was like 5). I was wrapped in my blue towel with it over my head pretending I was the Virgin Mary (always a religious child). Dad stood behind me looking in the mirror and sang that song. He picked me up and started dancing. We danced all the way to my bedroom so I could get dressed I think.
That's it for tonight. My eyes hurt. Damn contacts. G'night y'all.