Thursday, March 31, 2005

Journal Jar #27

Journal Jar #27

What do you feel has been the most significant world event that has taken place during your lifetime and why?

So what's the most significant world event in the past fifteen years? Ummm..... 9/11, the war, the OK city bombing, Columbine, all the school shootings since, Tsunami, earthquake in Indonesia, need I go on? (I hope not b/c I'm running out of ideas!) I can't pick one.

So the Oklahoma city bombing happened at 9:02am on April 19, 1995, the bomb Timothy McVeigh set went off taking thousands of innocent lives with it. By 9:03, the explosion was over but the effects would last a lifetime for the families impacted. Children, innocent children, were in daycare on the first floor. There is a famous photo of a fireman carrying the bloody, naked body of a child out of the wreckage with tears in his eyes. Oh, I found a copy of it (taken from this website).

 That little girl is one year old, exactly. It was her first birthday. That is the first traumatic event I can remember. Most of my peers do not remember it. But I do. I remember watching it with Mom in her bedroom on the one year anniversary and I remember pausing in the car for a moment of silence a few years after. I remember the song Garth Brooks wrote in the aftermath. I also realize that this is the ten year anniversary of that bombing.

Columbine occured on 4/20/99. I was nine years old. I remember hearing that a school had gotten shot up but didn't realize what it meant in the big scheme of things. But now I do. And the school shootings since then have been just as atrocious including this past one in Red Lake. The following is a collage of what I can only presume are the victims of Columbine (taken from this website).

9/11/01. Obviously henious. I was in NYC less than one month before theattack. I was eleven years old. The effects this has had on the world are known to all (or at least most). I did not cry on the day but, I did cry a year later. According to Mom, I had far too much going on in my own life at the time to be that concerned with what was happening in the world. My mom had left just over a month before and my life was falling apart around me. When I did realize how many people had passed and how rediculous this was, I cried. Alan Jackson's song "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" is what did it. We all know the effects this attack had on both America and the world. (this website)

The war in Iraq was one cause of 9/11. Thousands of our men and women have died fighting a war over "WMD" that were never found. Saddam did need to be stopped but Bush should not have lied about why we were going there in the first place. He should have been honest about it and not claimed weapons of mass destruction. Nor should it have been fought over 9/11 because, last time I checked, Sadam & Al-Queda had no direct correlation and Iraq is not where Al-Queda was headquartered. That was Afghanistan. Bush needs a geography lesson.

The Tsunami took over 200,000 lives. It was arguably the most significant NATURAL disaster in my lifetime. The recent earthquake in Indonesia destroyed relief efforts. Both are atrocious events.

So I can't pick one. There are many. Unfortunately. What is this world coming to?


25 questions

Less people read this journal and I'd rather not put this in my regular journal. It's not inappropriate but I'm not comfortable putting it in my main journal and this is the only other one it fits in.

1)  At what age did you lose your virginity? Haven't.

2)  At what age did you start your period? 12-ish

  3)  How many times a week do you get lucky? never in the sense that this question implies

4)  Have you had your tubes tied? ummmm.... no. nor will I.

5)  Did you have kids and if so did you have them naturally?  No kids (I'm fifteen for God's sake!)

6)  Have you ever smoked weed? no but I know ppl that have

7)  Have you ever been arrested?  nope

8)  Do you have any skeletons in your closet? ummmm sorta-ish

 9)  Are you the huggy kissy type? not really

10)  Did your mom tell you she loved you when you were little?  she always has. hijacked my planner one day and wrote "I love you." in her gorgeous handwriting on randomn (and not so random) days. Like on my birthday, and her birthday, and just here and there.

11) Was your dad in your life as a child? Yep and I was Daddy's Little Girl until I turned 12 or so.

12)  Have you had any surgery? Once. I had a T&A. Tonsils and adnoids. Hurt like the dickens.

13)  What's the craziest thing you've tried sexually? Abstinence.

15)  When was the last time you had a PAP? Haven't been to the gyno yet but the recommended age to start is now 13-15 so I'm having Dad make me an appointment soon.

16)  Are your toenails painted right now? Top coat (just shiny & clear) but typically they're pink.

17)  Do you smoke cigarettes?   Never have.

18)  Have you ever cheated on your spouse or lover? That implies having a spouse or lover.

19)  Do you bite your nails? No. I'll stick in in my mouth and kinda play around with it but, I don't bite them. Both my parents do & I think it looks nasty. I've always been the one with the (natural) long nails.

20)  Are you the jealous type? I sure can be. <~stolen answer

21)  Do you have any pets? Smokey (my oldest kitty) just passed (nearly a month ago) and Dutchess (our "housewarming gift" from Pollyanna, a dog named Alaska. That name didn't last long.) passed in 1997. Tiger (gorgeous orange long-haired kitty, technically Joey's) and Chyna (short-haired black & white kitty that loved to make my hair a rat's nest when he was little, technically Mom's but hasn't lived with her since 8/7/01)live with my grandmother. Oh, and Pyrite (goldfish w/a black eye) and Goldie (big old goldfish) died too.

22)    Have you ever been out of the country? Spent a day at Niagra Falls Canada in second grade

23)  What was the last prank you played on someone?  I haven't the slightest idea. Prolly last April Fools. I think I taped the sprayer. Oh, no. That was two years ago. No sprayer here.

24)  What's your favorite magazine?   CosmoGirl! and GP4T (now Sweet 16)

25)  Bra size?   last i knew, it was 34A but, that's prolly not the EXACT measurement.

That wasn't so hard. But I sure am glad I didn't put it in my main journal. I don't know why I'm so much more comfortable putting this in here. Maybe because I don't feel like as many people read this. Or maybe because I know my mom and aunt don't read this one! LOL


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Journal Jar

Welcome back, Promise!

Journal Jar #25

Did you have a close relationship with your grandparents?  Tell about them.

Growing up, I've had many different grandparents. I've had Gramma, Gumpy, Grandma [insert last name], (Great-)Grandma [insert last name], and more recently Scott, Grandma (aka Shelia), Grandpa (aka Fred), Grandma Helen, and Great-Grandma. I was close with Gramma for years but now I don't like her at all. I loved my Gumpy (or Grandpa Marty) but I haven't seen him since he and Gramma split when I was seven. Grandma (Mom's mom) has always kinda scared me. But I've gotten to know her better recently. Her mom scares me. She's old and has dementia and is just basically scary. She doesn't remember me at all and always yells. I love (and miss) my great-grandma (Dad's grandma on his father's side). I haven't seen her in a while but I used to spend Easter Sunday out there. Haven't done that since Jule was here (1999). Scott is just the land shark (inside joke that I don't remember how it started but was started between August 10 and 19th of 2001). Shelia is Shelia. Fred is great. I wish I could spend more time with him. He's the first real grandpa I've had since Gumpy. Grandma Helen is someone I don't really know while as is Great-Grandma.

Journal Jar #26

Describe a trip downtown as a youngster.

Well, I never remember going downtown as a "youngster" but, apparently Midtown is considered downtown. So we went downtown every Christmas to "sit on Santa's lap" and ride the monorail. So that's my big downtown magic mountain experience.

More to come!



You Have Good Karma In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others. Your caring personality really shines through. Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out. But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. How's Your Karma?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times!

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 45797 times on bzoink!

What is your favorite.. gum yummy stuff? restaurant Roadhouse Grill drink Shirley Temple season Autumn type of weather kinda chilly but still warm emotion contentment thing to do on a half day chill with friends and order pizza late-night activity scary movies where "the blanket will protect you" sport horse back riding city NYC store Ikea When was the last time you.. cried a bit earlier but majorly? idk too long ago played a sport i was just running laughed less than 1/2 an hour ago hugged someone ummmm..... Sunday night kissed someone nearly two weeks ago (my baby sister) felt depressed earlier felt elated now felt overworked last night faked sick a while ago lied not long enough ago What was the last.. word you said him thing you ate 4 cinnamon rolls (ugh) song you listened to in my head? i want a cowboy by katrina elam thing you drank milk place you went to outside movie you saw The Breakfast Club movie you rented ? concert you attended ? Who was the last person you.. hugged Lindz cried over i don't honestly know kissed baby sister danced with myself shared a secret with Lindz had a sleepover with Lindz called Jake or Lindz went to a movie with Lindz, Ali, and Colleen saw my brother *barf* were angry with my father couldn't take your eyes off of ummmm.... it's been way too long since that happened obsessed over oh god. it was probably Jon Have you ever.. danced in the rain YES! kissed someone not REAL kissed done drugs never drank alcohol 3 sips slept around NO partied 'til the sun came up not quite til the sun came up had a movie marathon yes gone too far on a dare no spun until you were immensely dizzy YES taken a survey quite like this before not quite

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Monday, March 28, 2005


The PJ's You Are Most Like: Comfortable PJ'sYou're a bit conservative, traditional, and tend to follow conventions You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love People instantly find comfort in you, and you're a "best friend" to many.

What Kind of PJ's Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Monday, March 21, 2005

22-24 in the Journal Jar

Journal Jar #22

What did you do as a child to get in trouble with your parents and how did they handle it?

I'm a pain in the butt. I've lied, I've talked back, I've been a general b****. I used to get "time-outs" and now I get grounded. Next question, please.

Journal Jar #23

How do you feel about Marriage?

I can't wait to get married. I believe that marriage is sacred. I think that marriage should be between two people that are in love and want to make things offical. Whether they're both of the same gender or differing ones.

Journal Jar #24

Tell about a frustrating experience you have had with a car.

This weekend, the car died while we were going to get some papers notarized for Mom. I've had cars stall everytime we slowed down. That's basically it.

I know it's not elaborate but I've got no energy to write creativly. Plus, I have to write my "LOST" story. Whatever. Byby!


Monday, March 14, 2005


Lots of quiz results. Sorry, I don't have the links but you can find them in Lindz's LJ.

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you look f***in sick
OMG you look so f***in sick when you die but you are still kool as f*** so yeah<o:p></o:p>


Shooting Self
You will take the EASIEST way out. You want to be gone. No one will expect it to happen, you just one day will be. Be careful, stay and make peace and there is no easy way out anyways.<o:p></o:p>


Teastaioinn cineal uaim
Teastaioinn cineal uaim - 'I want sex.'Horny little bugger, aren't you? You enjoy porn and being naked. Hell, you're probably naked right now. Both hands on the keyboard, you pervert!<o:p></o:p>

BEAUTIFUL personality
You have a Beautiful personality. You appreciate sophisticated fashions and you're a fan of the BIG labels from Paris. You are elegant and have a carefree mind.<o:p></o:p>


You're not a god or goddess. You're just...normal. Basically a normal teenager, kid, or adult, getting through life with what it has .to offer and accepting it for Quite boring, but average.<o:p></o:p>

your have bloody teared eyes. You eyes have seen much pain, either your pain or a friends pain. You cry with them, and for them. They are someone that has been there for you, no matter the situation, and you hate to see that person get put down, or talked about. Your a good friend to stay by their side and cry for them. But yourself you only cry in the darkness of your room, knowing that no one really cares about you, even thought thy really do.....


and the pics wouldn't work. so basically, disregard this entry. i'll redo it tomorrow-ish.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Journal Jar and some quizzes!

Journal Jar #20

What do you think of TV and what is your favorite show?

TV is fine. Daytime TV tends to suck but, it's fine. I haven't watched much lately but there are some shows I love. I don't have one favorite show. I love Law & Order: SVU, Strong Medicine, General Hospital, Charmed, and Everwood to name a few. Anybody remember Fraggle Rock? I loved that!

Journal Jar #21

Did you celebrate Halloween as a child?  What costumes did you wear?

Yes, I did and still do! I've been Barbie a time or two, "Good Sandy" from Grease, a sockhopper, a 50's roller-skating waitress w/o the rollerskates, a witch multiple times, a Temptress (this year), Cleopatra, a mouse (my first Halloween), and some other things that I can't remember! I was going to be Marilyn Monroe this year but they were all sold out of the costume! I was so ticked. But then the guy started hitting on me and all was good. I wanted a costume that would "scare my dad" and he helped me out. Pointing out "sexy fairy" and "bad pixie" and other sexy costumes. I wound up getting "Temptress" and having old men check me out all night. *shudders* This year, something a little less "sexy" perhaps. Yes, I am fifteen and I will be trick-or-treating this year. Or else I will be going to a Halloween party. Depending on who throws one.

That's all the catch-up I have time for! But, here's some quiz results!


You are Milk Chocolate

A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.

What Kind of Chocolate are You?

You Are the Girl Next Door!You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry.
Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love.
But this doesn't mean you're dull - far from it!
You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.

What Kind of a Girl are You?

Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue

You've got the personality of a blue eyed women
You're intense and expressive - and always on the go
You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in

What's Your Inner Eye Color?

But my eyes are brown. Oh, well.


That's all for today! Bye!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Journal Jar #19... with pics!

Journal Jar #19

Describe your mother's wedding dress.  What do you know about her wedding?

I just did an entry about Mom's second wedding. Rather than rewrite it, I'll link it! hehe ^_^ As for her first wedding (to my father), it was a small, simple ceremony on December 22, 1989. She was seven months pregnant with me. She did not wear a wedding dress. She wore a black sweater with little flowers on it and black dress pants. She did her own hair and make-up or else my grandmother did it for her. They were married in front of the Christmas tree. I know this may sound very disconnected despite that it's my parent's wedding that I'm talking about but that's because it is. That wedding has less significance to me than the divorce. It impacted me less and I have (obviously) less memories from it. My parents planned to renew their vows in 1999. I was to be flower girl, junior bridesmaid, and carry my mom's train. Much responsibility for a girl going on ten. The wedding never happened but Mom had bought a dress. Below are photos of me in the dress.

 Oh, my. It's the train.

 The back of the dress. You can't see my head much, if at all, but I'm in there. If the ruffles didn't eat me.

 The front of the dress. You can't see the intricate beadwork and it looks more yellow than it is.

 Lindz told me to strike a pose. I struck a pose. Yea, we're dorks.

I guess I'm caught up now. At least in the Journal Jar. Time for that English paper. I think.


Monday, March 7, 2005

Catch-up, yet again.

Journal Jar #18

ONE WORD on how to live successfully....

Just one? Heart. You have to have heart, you have to follow your heart, you have to trust your heart, you have to love with your heart, you have to listen to your heart. So I choose heart.

More later!

Sunday, March 6, 2005


"Restless Innovator" You're by far the most creative person amongst your peers. But like a lot of creative people, you get bored easily and you need a constant outlet for this aspect of your personality. Often you like to have your own signature on things so that people will know you've had your say. You're all about keeping it fresh and the risk factor doesn't deter you from trying new things along the way.   Vickey

Thursday, March 3, 2005

#14 - #17

Journal Jar #14

Are there any family heirlooms in your possession?  Tell about them and how you acquired them.

I'm not in posession of most of the family heirlooms that I know I'm going to acquire yet but I do have a few. My mom's grandfather, her Popeye, gave her a set of dishes on the day she was born. I have a few of those dishes. If I could find them quickly, I'd take a picture and post it here. I also have my grandmother's old camera. It requires flashbulbs and film. *gasp* It's freakin' old but, cool. Never taken a picture with it. I have 3 rings from my great-grandmother and I have the sweater my mom wore at her wedding (hard to find a cheap wedding dress when you're 7 months pregnant). I have the dress she bought to renew her vows (to Dad) but never wore hanging in the basement. I'll get Lindz to take a picture of me in it tomorrow. It's gorgeous and it fits me. Except the bust. lol Exactly how it fits Mom! LOL I'm going to get my mom's hamburger recipe someday, too.

Journal Jar #15

What church jobs have your parents had?  What do you remember about your parents and church?

Ha! My parents? Hold church jobs? Never going to happen. I remember my parents going only when I forced them because of my preformances or because it was a holiday. I forced them one year on Easter because I was singing and playing in the bell choir. Mom wore a flowery dress and white fur coat. Dad fell asleep. I remember being embarrassed about Mom's coat. It's an older congregation and nobody dressed like that. I nearly fainted for the first time that day. That is what I remember about my parents and church. Yes, that IS all.

Journal Jar #16

Did you have a childhood "hangout" or "hideout"?  Describe.

Not really. Now I've got "The Corner" in mornings and Starbucks every now and then. But I don't really hang out anywhere specifically. The Corner is just a stairwell in my school that a bunch of my friends hang around. Starbucks is just Starbucks. Expect photos of Starbucks coming soon, actually.

Journal Jar #17

Do you like picnics?  Have you been on any picnics that stick out in your mind?

Yep, I like picnics. I used to have them all the time inside during the days it was too crappy outside. I remember eating tuna sandwiches in the back corner of the yard behind the swingset in from of MY crab apple tree on a sheet with my brother. We had chips and soda, too. Liz, Lindz, and I had one in the parking lot on a sheet. We had sunflower seeds, sandwiches, soda, and chips. Very healthy, eh? LOL Then we went down to the pond. That's about it! Oh, and we have church picnics and such but I don't count those. Picnics have sandwiches, not grilled meat. That's just my opinion though.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Power Color

  Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.

You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.

If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.

You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

What's Your Power Color?

