Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times!

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 45797 times on bzoink!

What is your favorite.. gum yummy stuff? restaurant Roadhouse Grill drink Shirley Temple season Autumn type of weather kinda chilly but still warm emotion contentment thing to do on a half day chill with friends and order pizza late-night activity scary movies where "the blanket will protect you" sport horse back riding city NYC store Ikea When was the last time you.. cried a bit earlier but majorly? idk too long ago played a sport i was just running laughed less than 1/2 an hour ago hugged someone ummmm..... Sunday night kissed someone nearly two weeks ago (my baby sister) felt depressed earlier felt elated now felt overworked last night faked sick a while ago lied not long enough ago What was the last.. word you said him thing you ate 4 cinnamon rolls (ugh) song you listened to in my head? i want a cowboy by katrina elam thing you drank milk place you went to outside movie you saw The Breakfast Club movie you rented ? concert you attended ? Who was the last person you.. hugged Lindz cried over i don't honestly know kissed baby sister danced with myself shared a secret with Lindz had a sleepover with Lindz called Jake or Lindz went to a movie with Lindz, Ali, and Colleen saw my brother *barf* were angry with my father couldn't take your eyes off of ummmm.... it's been way too long since that happened obsessed over oh god. it was probably Jon Have you ever.. danced in the rain YES! kissed someone not REAL kissed done drugs never drank alcohol 3 sips slept around NO partied 'til the sun came up not quite til the sun came up had a movie marathon yes gone too far on a dare no spun until you were immensely dizzy YES taken a survey quite like this before not quite

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