Thursday, March 31, 2005

25 questions

Less people read this journal and I'd rather not put this in my regular journal. It's not inappropriate but I'm not comfortable putting it in my main journal and this is the only other one it fits in.

1)  At what age did you lose your virginity? Haven't.

2)  At what age did you start your period? 12-ish

  3)  How many times a week do you get lucky? never in the sense that this question implies

4)  Have you had your tubes tied? ummmm.... no. nor will I.

5)  Did you have kids and if so did you have them naturally?  No kids (I'm fifteen for God's sake!)

6)  Have you ever smoked weed? no but I know ppl that have

7)  Have you ever been arrested?  nope

8)  Do you have any skeletons in your closet? ummmm sorta-ish

 9)  Are you the huggy kissy type? not really

10)  Did your mom tell you she loved you when you were little?  she always has. hijacked my planner one day and wrote "I love you." in her gorgeous handwriting on randomn (and not so random) days. Like on my birthday, and her birthday, and just here and there.

11) Was your dad in your life as a child? Yep and I was Daddy's Little Girl until I turned 12 or so.

12)  Have you had any surgery? Once. I had a T&A. Tonsils and adnoids. Hurt like the dickens.

13)  What's the craziest thing you've tried sexually? Abstinence.

15)  When was the last time you had a PAP? Haven't been to the gyno yet but the recommended age to start is now 13-15 so I'm having Dad make me an appointment soon.

16)  Are your toenails painted right now? Top coat (just shiny & clear) but typically they're pink.

17)  Do you smoke cigarettes?   Never have.

18)  Have you ever cheated on your spouse or lover? That implies having a spouse or lover.

19)  Do you bite your nails? No. I'll stick in in my mouth and kinda play around with it but, I don't bite them. Both my parents do & I think it looks nasty. I've always been the one with the (natural) long nails.

20)  Are you the jealous type? I sure can be. <~stolen answer

21)  Do you have any pets? Smokey (my oldest kitty) just passed (nearly a month ago) and Dutchess (our "housewarming gift" from Pollyanna, a dog named Alaska. That name didn't last long.) passed in 1997. Tiger (gorgeous orange long-haired kitty, technically Joey's) and Chyna (short-haired black & white kitty that loved to make my hair a rat's nest when he was little, technically Mom's but hasn't lived with her since 8/7/01)live with my grandmother. Oh, and Pyrite (goldfish w/a black eye) and Goldie (big old goldfish) died too.

22)    Have you ever been out of the country? Spent a day at Niagra Falls Canada in second grade

23)  What was the last prank you played on someone?  I haven't the slightest idea. Prolly last April Fools. I think I taped the sprayer. Oh, no. That was two years ago. No sprayer here.

24)  What's your favorite magazine?   CosmoGirl! and GP4T (now Sweet 16)

25)  Bra size?   last i knew, it was 34A but, that's prolly not the EXACT measurement.

That wasn't so hard. But I sure am glad I didn't put it in my main journal. I don't know why I'm so much more comfortable putting this in here. Maybe because I don't feel like as many people read this. Or maybe because I know my mom and aunt don't read this one! LOL


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