Monday, March 21, 2005

22-24 in the Journal Jar

Journal Jar #22

What did you do as a child to get in trouble with your parents and how did they handle it?

I'm a pain in the butt. I've lied, I've talked back, I've been a general b****. I used to get "time-outs" and now I get grounded. Next question, please.

Journal Jar #23

How do you feel about Marriage?

I can't wait to get married. I believe that marriage is sacred. I think that marriage should be between two people that are in love and want to make things offical. Whether they're both of the same gender or differing ones.

Journal Jar #24

Tell about a frustrating experience you have had with a car.

This weekend, the car died while we were going to get some papers notarized for Mom. I've had cars stall everytime we slowed down. That's basically it.

I know it's not elaborate but I've got no energy to write creativly. Plus, I have to write my "LOST" story. Whatever. Byby!


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