Thursday, October 20, 2005
What brings you the most peace and why?
Unfortunatly, that answer includes several things. Well, unfortunatly for one of them... First, the good things... my faith, my friends, my sister, my cats, dark chocolate, writing, singing, and doing methodical things such as trying to burn a paper without burning my fingers or setting it down or crocheting. Then the bad thing(s).... hurting myself, drawing on my skin in red marker, and other bad behaviors. Now for the harder part: the why...
My faith sustains me. It gives me comfort knowing there is something bigger than me controlling this world and I have always felt close to the Virgin Mary for some reason. I've always known there is a God and always believed Christ died to save me and always felt connected to Mother Mary.
My friends distract me. They put me at ease and take my mind off my problems. What could be better than laughing a span of time away with friends? Nothing I can think of.
My Samantha, my sister, reminds me of the innocence of childhood. When life had no real downside. She keeps my mind on the positive instead of the negative.
My cats just sit there and let me pet them. It's a methodical thing. Just getting into a rhythm and stroking their fur. It's theraputic.
Dark chocolate. a) It tastes good. b) It releases chemicals in the brain to make you happy and c) I'm female and I'm PMS, what do you want?
Writing gets my thoughts and feelings out on paper. I can put them away for a little bit and then come back and analyze them when I'm more objective and my emotions aren't clouding my judgements quite so much.
Singing makes me concentrate on my technique rather than my life. It can express some things far better than what I can formulate. There's always a song that fits the mood and if there isn't, make one up. It instantly makes me have better posture and better breathing technique. It makes me feel so much better by putting my energy into my singing and not worrying.
The methodical things calm me. It's a pattern with crocheting. It's a caution with burning. It makes me concentrate on that instead of my life.
The pain of SIing calms me. It's nothing you can really understand unless you've been there and done that. The relief I get from seeing those scratches is indescribable. The calm I get from digging my nails into my back is remarkable. But then the regret comes almost before I can feel that relief or that calm. The relief is not worth the regret.
It's the same for the marker. Seeing that red against the paleness of my skin filled me with such a feeling of calm. I haven't done that in about a year so I couldn't tell you if it's worth the regret that always comes or not.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I just did so many questions and it deleted it all. One missed key. One ctrl v instead of cntrl c and it's all gone. When this happens, it typically takes me a while to get back to those questions. So when I get to it, I get to it. Til then, I fall farther and farther behind. *depressed sigh* Dontcha hate it when that happens? (Luckily for my depression due to this, I can just simply think of one person and it all fades away. Maggie says I'm in love. Lindz says I'm not but I was. I say that I'm just happy to have my friend back. Who knows where it'll go... It would be nice to have a date to semi-formal...)
Friday, September 9, 2005
Question 86
Describe your wedding day.
Anything I put here would only be fantasy. And all I know about my wedding is that I will be marrying for true love and true love alone. I'll be wearing a long white wedding dress and my prince will wear a black tuxedo if I have anything to say about it. And I think I'm getting married in a church. If not, it'll be some place outside that I find beautiful. Perhaps by a waterfall.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
She has returned!
Kay, y'all I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Ummm.... I'll catch up tomorrow at Gramma's. For tonight, I need to crash. A week away will do that to ya! Love ya and I'll catch up with your lives ASAP. I'm going to turn all alerts back on as soon as I save this. So.... what did I miss in *your* life?
I miss you!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Good-bye for now
Kay, y'all. I'm gonna be gone for a week with Lindz. I'm going to Alpine Lake camping. For some reason I'm not excited about it at all. We leave tomorrow morning but I'm going there tonight. (She gets back from WI tonight.) I better go get my ass in gear and pack up. I'll try to pop by here later to do a question or two that I still haven't gotten to and to say good-bye. If I don't remember or have time, I love you all and I'll miss you! And I'll be back the 28th (but I may not post until the 29th or 30th).
Monday, August 8, 2005
Not Journal Jar but deal
True Story. A religion teacher assigned her class an essay on what makes a good Christian. One student wrote about praying nightly, say no to abortion, banning gay marriage, and donating money. The other student wrote about talking to God and allowing people to enjoy their lives, and supporting gay marriage. The day the teacher was to hand the papers back, she called up the second student and told him she would pray for him when he went to hell. The student asked why would he be going to hell, and why he got an F on his paper. The teacher told him that Catholisim is against gay marriage. The student looked at her for a minute, then said aloud, "I'm gay." The teacher kicked him out of class as if he had said fuck or worshiped Satan. A girl in the back of class who had a boyfriend and was obviously straight got up and left too.
If you would leave the classroom, repost this. It doesn't matter if you're straight, bi, or gay. It doesn't matter if you're Catholic or not. Everyone is a human being and deserves happiness.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Caught up except for ONE
Question #73
What was your favorite age so far and why?
So far, I liked being seven best, I think. I was innocent and naive and Daddy's Little Girl. We went to Niagara Falls that year and we moved that April. I hated it at first but, I quickly made friends and learned that I could walk to school in the spring (with my parents, of course). I still played with my Barbies and Mrs. Foro was still my teacher (but that year she had a baby and was out on maternity leave so we had Mrs. Colway for part of the year but she was just as nice and wound up being my fourth grade teacher). And I *think* I had lunch with Mrs. Murdock (our principal) (this was a good thing) but that may have been second grade. So seven was my favorite age so far.
Question # 76
What personality traits do you admire the most?
I admire open-mindedness, honesty, trustworthiness, and sincerity most. If someone can't accept diversity, I can't admire them. If someone isn't honest and trustworthy, I can't like them because I can't trust them and I can't take their word at face value. If someone is insincere, I, once again, can't respect them. I guess it's just the way I was raised and the beliefs around me.
Time to go finish my daily plans (aka do my nails and dust my room).
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
still catching up but ALMOST there!
Question #77
What was your favorite thing to do with your family when you were young?
I loved playing cards when I was little. We'd play Uno a lot. Dad taught me blackjack before he went to Canada so he'd have practice for the casino (great role model, no?). We went on vacations twice and they were fun (but another question). I loved just hanging out as a family. Mom would make picnics and we'd have them on the picnic tables Dad made. I remember loving the family nights we'd have. Typically when the power went out, we'd get out the candles for light and play board games. We'd watch videos and just have fun.
Question #70
Where do you like to vacation and why?I haven't really been anywhere but, I like camping. It's fun to just get away for a few days. No real modern conviences. Of course, I'm sure I'll be in hell coming back after my week in Alpine what with all the journal alerts I'll have but, I'll get through that. I loved NYC, Niagara Falls, and the Adirondacks (both times).
Question #63
How do you feel about Doctors and why?
I don't mind them. I hate shots (terrified of needles) but, doctors are okay. Mine is pretty nice. Shrinks are another story. I'm not as bad as Sayiiiiid is but, I don't like shrinks. My last one was nuts. Course, this all may change after my OB/GYN appointment.
I've just been told to get off. So my stories about NYC, Niagara Falls, the Adirondacks, and Ontario Park will have to wait for tomorrow. God bless and good night.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Nearly all caught up
Question #66
What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
I love the Fourth of July. It means I get to hang out with my friends and dance and celebrate and whatnot. It also means guaranteed fried dough. I go to the fireworks here with Lindz (used to be with my family) and we hang and run into people and eat junk and play games. I do my nails red, white, and blue and I typically wear red, white, and blue, too. It's really fun to just hang out and be so anonymous in such a large crowd. And the fireworks are *amazing*. (Green! lol don't mind me)
Question #67
Did you and your father share any interests? Tell about your relationship with him.
My dad and I were very close when I was little. When my parents split, I stayed with him. I was always Daddy's Little Girl. Before I got my tonsils out, I wanted my dad to go in with me but I didn't want Mom to feel like Joey and I loved Dad more so I had her in with me. Funny because now, my reaction is typically "I want my mommy". When I hit puberty, things got weird. Dad didn't get me and I didn't feel close to either parent. I was closer to Lori than anyone. Now, I'm a little older and I fight with my dad a lot but, it's getting better. Coming out of my depression made me easier to deal with and when I'm easier to deal with, he's easier to deal with. So I don't mind him as much. We both read a lot and we both love to camp. Camping in our house means in a tent in a sleeping bag in your jeans on the ground. In the morning, coffee is made by heating water over the campfire before breakfast. I got my love of camping from my parents. The smell of a fire, the taste of s'mores, the sounds of the woods, the feel of the earth under your feet, the satisfaction of setting up camp, the sight of dinner burned so horribly over the fire that you give up and go to a restaurant. lol My dad and I were thisclose when I was little, but now not so much. But some part of me will always be Daddy's Little Girl.
Question #74
Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family. How did you decorate it? When did you put it up?
Since I was in, like, second grade, we've had a real tree. We go and try to find the perfect tree. I never got to get the one I liked until this year. For some reason, it was really important that I got my tree. We cut it down and bring it home and set it up. It sits there, bare, for a few days and then we decorate it. On go the lights. On goes the garland (which we lacked this year). On go the ornaments. The baby Jesus is the highest ornament below the angel. My Barbie ornaments always go on along with our year ornaments. The year bulbs only go on for certain years. 1990, 1993 or 1994, and 1989 almost always make it on. I set up my tree in one day. It comes out of the basement. I find a spot for the 2 1/2 foot tall fake tree that is horribly crushed. The branches get poofed. The ornaments rehung. The Barbie placed strategically so that I can remember Gumpy but not get depressed about him. The aluminum and cardboard star goes on top, just like every year. I love seeing the lights blurred before I go to sleep. (Because I'm very myopic, the lights become circular and blurry.)
Question #75
Tell the words of a song from your childhood and describe any memories it holds for you.
Easy. You are my sunshine. My mom always sang this to me. I remember one time, I don't know how old I was or what it was about but, I was crying and Mom stroked my hair and sang that to me as I cried all over her shirt. It always makes me feel young and protected. Also, the Garth Brooks song, If Tomorrow Never Comes. My dad used to sing this to me. Whenever I'm mad at him, if this comes on the radio, I have to change the station. And My Girl. I got out of the shower one night and I was looking in the mirror and Dad had helped me shower (I was like 5). I was wrapped in my blue towel with it over my head pretending I was the Virgin Mary (always a religious child). Dad stood behind me looking in the mirror and sang that song. He picked me up and started dancing. We danced all the way to my bedroom so I could get dressed I think.
That's it for tonight. My eyes hurt. Damn contacts. G'night y'all.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Goin' to the chapel
Question #71
Describe your wedding. Who was in it? What did everyone wear?
Obviously I'm not married yet but, I'll tell ya what I think I want for my wedding though.....
I want to get married either in a church or some gorgeous place out in nature. I don't really know QUITE what I want but, I want it to be the love of my life standing at the alter. I'll be wearing a long white dress (possibly the one my mom was going to wear for her renewing of her vows to my dad but probably not). My fiancee will be looking *quite* handsome in his outfit (probably a tux). The bridesmaids probably won't want to kill me for the outfits I choose because I'll probably give them a lot of choice in it. I don't have any set ideas except I will be wearing a long white dress and it will be the love of my life waiting for me. It will be a romantic amazing event no matter how it turns out.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Picking and choosing again
Question #61
How do you feel about death? What is your philosophy of the "after life?
I don't want to die any time soon but I know I will eventually and I'm okay with that. I believe in heaven and hell but, my views of who gets in and who stays out is different than most Christians. I don't have a set definition of it but, I think it's more liberal than "if you have Christ in your heart, you get in. if you don't, you're in hell."
Question # 62
What did your grandfather's do for a living? Did your grandmothers work?
My dad's dad sold shoes for a living. My mom's dad is a mystery. My dad's mom worked in factories and delivers newspapers and does oil stuff. My mom's mom idk about.
Question #64
What was your favorite Sunday activity as a child?
Sunday school, chili/pasta night, and football. I never have liked watching football but the sound of it is comforting. It reminds me of Sunday nights as a kid. I can't imagine them differently. I'd go to church/sunday school with Gramma (before she and Gumpy split) and when I got back, I'd eat lunch and play. We'd have pasta or chili every Sunday night (esp. in the fall) while we watched football.
Question #65
What do you remember most about being a teenager?
I am a teenager! I remember the mood swings, the confusion, the fighting, the temptations to do a billion things like drink, date, kiss, smoke. Most of which have I resisted.
Question #69
Did you have a bicycle and what was it like? Tell about riding it. Where did you go?
I've always had a bike. My favorite one was white, pink, and purple. I learned to ride it as a two-wheeler on my dad's birthday or father's day (can'tremember which). I'd ride up and down the street in front of our house. From Sandy's house to the last driveway on the street and back. About 100 yards or so. So much fun. Now and then I'd go around the block when I got permission.
Question #72
Describe a typical day in high school.
Ummm.... kay. A typical day for me as a freshman went like this....
6:30-get up and curse the fact that I'm running late AGAIN
6:45-catch the bus or else beg for a ride
7:10-arrive at school and go to my locker
7:12-drop stuff in Voice and go to the corner
7:25-hear the bell and make way to Gage's classroom. hang w/Sayiiiid and Russo for four minutes
7:29-run to Voice
7:31-make it to Voice. sneak in and pray she'll let me stay. she does.
7:45-start warm-ups
7:55-either take notes on singer or sing
8:15-head to German. don't pay attention. get an A anyhow. joke with Andrew and Drew
9:00-leave German and head to locker than to Math
9:06-sneak in to Math. pray he lets me stay. he does. for the next 40 minutes, learn nothing. joke around w/Lindz. occasionally pay attention
9:45-dread Science. drop stuff there and walk with Lindz til just before the 1 minute bell rang. hightail it to Science. get there.
9:45-10:30-sleep or half-sleep through the most boring class of my day with my only hope being that I have choir next. If it's a Day One, my only hope is that I have a five minute break and then forty minutes and then LUNCH.
10:35-start lab (and think of how I could kill myself without everyone noticing -yes it was that boring) or start choir (and count the minutes til lunch)
11:15-get out of lab or choir. If choir, meet Russo, Sayiiiiid, and Jack in hall and walk to lunch. screw it if we were late and they tried to send us to tardy. we wouldn't go.
11:20-12:00-fend off attempts to get me to spit out my snapple. this forty minutes was quite often what got me out of bed in the morning and ALWAYS what got me through science.
12:05-Global with Mrs. Brooks and her Ballad of Death (lol).
12:45-head up to the torture that was English with Mr. Huntone. try not to fall asleep through it. pray that it's over soon
1:30-either go to gym or study hall.
2:36-arrive home after walking with Ronnie or whats-his-face (I refuse to learn his name).
The rest of the afternoon varied. That was a typical day in my life for nine months.
That's it for now. I want to spend more time on some of the others. Or I don't have a clue what to say and need to think about it. Time to go. Love ya!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Picking and choosing
Question #65
Did you go to any college or technical training? Where? what did you study?
Still in high school. I plan to go to college somewhere good and study English or something.
Question #68
Do you like to go to the symphony, the opera, the theater? What have you seen and enjoyed the most as far as productions go?
Never been to the symphony or opera. I've seen plays at local high schools and at Geva. I love seeing plays. I've seen ByeBye Birdie and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I've seen dozens at Geva but can't remember which. I loved the two at the high schools though.
That's all I have time for tonight. Love you.
More catch-up, darlings.
Question #56
What things do you enjoy doing as an adult that you also enjoyed as a child?
Am I considered an adult for this question? Guess so. I still like to color and create art. I still like certain shows and I still like watching thunderstorms.
Question #57
What was the hardest thing in life you've had to learn?
That everything happens for a reason though I may not know the reason. When things happen like Keegan's accident or people seeming not to care, it makes me wonder why and if there is a reason. This is a lesson I'm still learning.
Question #58
What convinced you the most in your choice of a spouse (Significant other)?
Changing the question to "What convinced you most to dump your latest ex?". I never talked to him. When we were on the phone, he never spoke. He couldn't hold a conversation about anything and had no concept for abstract thought. He wasn't Christian and I just wasn't quite comfortable around him. I'd rather flirt with various guys than date someone I have no connection to.
Question #59
How do you feel about dentists?
Dentists are fine. Pulling teeth is not. Orthodontists are not.
Really need to start answering these questions more fully. Time to go do SOMETHING. I'll write more tomorrow.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Those I skipped
I just read all of Promise's answers to the questions I'd done but not read (I do them and THEN read her answers). Now, the questions I'd skipped....
Question #46
Do you have a favorite Magazine? What do you learn from it? Why do you like it?
CosmoGirl! is my favorite magazine. Beauty tips, celebrity interviews, little tidbits I'd never know if not for it. Just a few weeks ago dark chocolate ice cream got on my white skirt. If not for an article in CosmoGirl about removing make-up stains from your shirt, I'd probably have rubbed it in without realizing it. Instead, I blotted it and when Dad washed it, it came out! This happened with spaghetti on one of Mom's chairs too.
Question 47
If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
I would be a unicorn. Long life span, mysterious, mystical, awe-inspiring. There is so much art done about unicorns. They're so unknown.
Question 48
What's the most adventurous thing you've done?
I get my kicks off little things. Nothing really big. To me anything that I'm scared to do before I actually do it is fun. I did the zip line at my school in eight grade. I was terrified. I nearly backed out but I had to try it. I stayed after class to do it because too many people wanted to. I climbed up the tree and was standing on the ledge as the teacher unhooked one buckle and hooked another on my harness. That ledge was so small. The two of us were nearly falling off. She told me to sit on the edge and I could go whenever I wanted. I took a deep breath and... another one. It took me about 45 seconds to get up the nerve to shove myself off. Shove, close eyes, clutch rope, open eyes, laugh. That's what it went like. It was so exhilarating. To know that I was so terrified but I did it and I'm alive still was the best feeling.
Question #50
Tell a courtship story about your parents. How did they met?
This is gonna sound horrid but, my mom was in foster care and she lived with Grampa and Grandma Lois, my dad's father and stepmom. She had the hots for him. Idk how it happened from there really.
Those are the ones I'd skipped. For now, I have to go shower or something to get ready for the Harry Potter party tonight. Only a few hours til I can read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
P.S. Did you know you can change your font to something not in the selection? If AOL supports it in e-mail or IM or whatnot, you can have it in your journal. Go into HTML format and type <FONT face=Name>. Name should be the name of the font. Go back to Text format and type your entry. It should work. This entry is in Papyrus, in case you were wondering.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Sorry I've been slacking with this. Now that I'm caught up with reading journals, I can get caught up with these questions. When did it get so late? Geez. Bedtime for me. Wonder what mysteries await me tomorrow in the Journal Jar questions. What tales will unravel themselves to your waiting ears? Tune in tomorrow.....
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Eternally catching up!
Question 51
Did you get along with all your brothers and sisters? Did you wish you had more of them or less?
I get along with my sisters amazingly well but my younger brother is a pain! I don't get along with him at all. We get into fist fights and verbal fights constantly. I wish that the babies that were miscarried (it was twins) had survived. I'd like to have met them. I'm sure they'd have been a blast. Wonder how I would've gotten along with them... Other than that, I'm fine with my full, half, step, and otherwise siblings.
Question 52
What do you remember about the day you were baptized?
I haven't been baptized. I'll be baptized some day in the future but, as of yet, I have not made that decision. I was dedicated as a baby but I don't remember any of that day.
Question 53
What was your favorite TV show as a child? What is it now?
Define child. I can't recall and I don't really have one.
Question 54
What is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to you?
Ummm.... not really sure. Any number of things. Samantha being born is definitely high on that list. That little girl has saved me from myself so many times! She'll probably never know how much she's meant to me. If not for her, I may not be here.
Question 55
What is the angriest you have ever been and how did you resolve it?
Oh gosh. Probably at Dad over something stupid and probably by either writing, scratching, crying, or zoning out with TV or something.
So, I think I'm caught up for now! Woohoo! Sorry the answers aren't elaborate. I know I skipped some but I think they're on Lindz's computer. Crap. Only 15 minutes left. :(
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Questions 44 and 45
Question 44
What is one invention you could not live without?
Just one? Hmmm… the net! I’ve got such limited access now that it’s nearly as though it never existed. Not only does it allow me to stay in closer contact with Julia than snail mail but it also helps with research. Researching a term paper or the latest diagnosis given to me is far easier with so much knowledge at my fingertips. I’d never know most of y’all and I’d probably be dead, in all honesty. After 10/17, I began writing so much more and y’all helped me stay grounded and consider things before I acted. The comments I received helped me realize that there are a billion people out there (okay, maybe not a BILLION) that would hate to see me do the things I was tempted to do. One comment in particular comes to mind: the now famous (in my mind anyway) "the blade rests in YOUR hand" comment by Michael. For some reason, that one really stuck with me along with Bernadette’s "you’ve got to get through the storm to see the rainbow" and the comments about Smokey. Thank you all for that. It’s mostly the communication that I couldn’t live without. The ease of transferring information and the amount of people you can meet. I now have a pen pal in Israel and friends in England, Virginia, Michigan, New Jersey, and other states that I’ve never even been to! (Actually, out of those I listed, I’ve only been to New Jersey and may have driven through part of Virginia.)
Question 45
Tell about a funeral you attended that you will never forget.
I’ve never *knock on wood* been to a funeral other than the simple one we had for Dutchess. I’ve forgotten most of it. I do remember not wanting to go out to her grave, lots of Kleenex, and saying a prayer for her. She is one of my main regrets in life. Before Dad took her to the vet’s office, I refused to say good-bye or pet/hug her one last time. I was in denial about her impending death and I thought if I didn’t they wouldn’t take her. No such luck, just one big regret. Rest in Peace, Dutchess.
Monday, May 2, 2005
Promise has decided to allow people to catch up and thus, there are no new questions until Wednesday. But I was behind and now, I'm caught up.
What are some of your favorite smells?
Some of my favorite smells? The smell of Opportunity (a class I used to have), the smell of coffee brewing, of hot pizza, of air right before it begins to rain, of fog, of cold, of water, of that perfect masculine scent (no quite sure what it is), of the sea, of fire, of coming home, of Exclamation perfume, of fuzz straight from the dryer, of Smokey (before being sentenced to life at BG's), of old books, of the library, of lilacs, of my gel candle (caramel apple yummy!), of a house that has NEVER been smoked in, of tea, of chocolate, of chocolate-covered strawberries, and of a million other things!
Tell about any of your family traditions for birthdays.
Well, traditions were meant to be broken and this year only one of them happened for me and YES I am f*****g p****d about that. We're SUPPOSED to sing Happy Birthday at the time you were born (did that one). We're SUPPOSED to have whatever dinner the birthday person wants that night (didn't do that one b/c of the lock-in and didn't do it the next day b/c I was too tired and STILL haven't done it). We're SUPPOSED to have a party for family and a party for friends (neither of which happened). So basically, we have no f*****g traditions.
What do you think about movies and why?
Typically, I like them. I prefer to read the book to watching a movie although the one exception to that is Where The Heart Is. I hated the book and loved the movie. I guess reading gets me closer to the characters and for longer. It takes me at least a day to read a book. I become the characters and I feel their heartache and their loss but with a movie, it's just a two-hour thing. I can't form any real attachment in two hours.
Where do you eat out and what do you order?
It depends on what I want to eat. If I'm eating Mexican (aka Taco Bell), I get soft or hard tacos with lettuce, cheese, and taco sauce. If I'm eating Chinese, I get sesame chicken, vegetable lo mein, fried rice, steamed white rice, and a fortune cookie. If I'm eating pizza (and get the kind I like), I get an extra-cheese, light sauce pan-pizza from Pizza Hut (*squeel*).
What is your favorite scripture and why? OR What is your favorite inspirational saying and why?
My favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Y'all know what it is, probably. The "Love is…" verses are in that chapter. They're not the first bit though. I love those because I am a hopeless romantic. My favorite inspirational saying is one that I've been quoting for months now. "You've gotta get through the storm to see the rainbow." Bernadette is the one that told me that and it helps get me through some rough times.
Tell about Family reunions
We don't have them and thus, I couldn't tell you about them!
Were you ever responsible for any chores? What were they?
Not really. I used to have a "Chore Chart" but I can't remember what was on there. Stuff like "Brush your hair." And "Put away your toys." I got something like $.25 for every signature I got (one signature per chore done).
Monday, April 18, 2005
Two more Journal Jar
Journal Jar #35
Did your parents ever have a baby-sitter for you? Were you ever left in someone else's care?
I never had a baby sitter until the sixth grade (after my parents split). Sherry watched us once (EW) and Michelle (or as I called her Seashell) watched us for a while. Left me stranded at school once. Then quit giving my father the middle finger and a "F*** you, f*** your kids, they're spoiled brats." Apparently, she never came to get me (according to my brother). I had to call her three times and she hung up on me. My principal had to drive me home! Traumatizing. Then Amy watched us but we moved and she got a full-time job. And that was the end of that.
Journal Jar #36
Did you have a favorite subject in school? One you dreaded?
I love lunch. hehe ^_^ It changes each year depending on my teacher. I hated seventh grade math but love it this year. Hated sixth grade social studies but loved eighth grade. So basically, it depends on the year.
B is for Boyfriend: Boyfriend
C is for Career: High school student
D is for Dad's name: Joseph
E is for Essential item to bring to a party: Chapstick
F is for Favorite song at the moment: I don't know
G is for Girl friend: Lindz
H is for Hometown: Boonesville
I is for instruments you play: Piano (a bit)
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Grape
K is for Kids: None
L is for Living arrangements: w/my dad and brother and every other weekend I see my mom, stepdaddy, and sister
M is for Month you were born: February
N is for Name of your best friend(s): Lindz
O is for Overnight hospital stays: Only when I was born
P is for Phobia[s]: I hate the number thirteen in numeric form and hate bugs.
Q is for Quote you like: "You have to get through the storm to see the rainbow." ~B
R is for Relationship that lasted the longest: Two months, two days
S is for Sexual position: N/A
T is for Time you wake up: Between 6:00 and 4pm, depending on the day
U is for Unique trait: My varied intelligence
V is for Vegetable you love: Salads
W is for Worst habit: Cracking my knuckles
X is for X-rays you've had: Mostly dental
Y is for Yummy food you make: Nachos
Z is for Zodiac sign: Pisces/Aquarius
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Catch-up again!
Journal Jar #32
What is your favorite animal and why?
Cats. I love the feeling of their warm body snuggled up in my arms. *sigh* I can not wait to get my kitten. I don't think they've been born yet. I hope Mom texts me when they are. Unicorns as well. Enough said.
Journal Jar #33
What political party comes closest to representing your own view? How do you feel about politics?
I say I'm democratic but I don't agree on some issues. I'm pro-choice and I think the GLBT community should have equal rights (including marriage).
Journal Jar #34
What are your beauty secrets?
Umm... I use Skin So Soft body oil in the shower and it makes my skin super soft. don't really have many others.
That's all. I'm caught up. For now.
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Quickest ever
Journal Jar #31
Did you serve in the military? Where and when? Share an experience.
This'll be a quickie. Never been in the military nor has anyone close to me. Angel's husband was in the reserves but, he was an arse and if the war had one purpose it was to send him over. Cold-hearted though that may sound, he was an abusive ass.
It's like rain on a tin roof
Journal Jar #30
Do you like rain storms? Do you have any memories connected with rain or storms?
OMG! YES AND YES! I love thunderstorms and want one BADLY (though not as bad as prior to the horrificly wonderful storm with Liz!)! Memories..... firstly, Liz. We both CRAVED a thunderstorm and one night, we got it. It woke me up and they NEVER wake me. At three AM, we're laying there in her bedroom watching the lightening and listening to how far away the thunder is. It was so great. We had school the next day and I was so calm and relaxed.
Second memory. Lindz, Taylor *barf*, and I went to see Raising Helen but they didn't watch much of the movie. "I love you." Yeah. Right. DAYS later, they hated each other. Anyhow, we get out and Lindz & Taylor are kissing & saying bye and I go "I'll be outside." Lindz didn't hear me. He leaves. I go find her and drag her outside. It's raining. We danced and laughed and had an amazing time. Climbed into the car and was soaking wet an hour later. Got home and didn't want to shower b/c I love the feel of rain cleansed skin but I had to.
Third memory. Home alone. On the phone w/Liz, Lindz, and Timmy. Thunder raging. Scared for the first time ever of a thunderstorm. Went to shower and refused to hang up. Left phone on bed and when I got back, Lindz was the only one there. The lights had flickered while I was in the shower & scared me. Lindz had taken a Zoloft, 2 sleeping pills, and 8 Advil. Around midnight, we got off the phone and Dad still wasn't home. I went to sleep to the sound of the rain pattering on the roof outside my window.
That's it for this one! Love ya!
Monday, April 4, 2005
Journal Jar #28 & 29
Sunday, April 3, 2005
Distraction (aka about 10 quiz results from
I need a distraction and here it is.......
Your Inner Muse is UraniaYou are most like this muse of astronomy. Your head is in the stars, and you look to the future. You give off a heavenly, mysterious vibe. And you're not too bad at predicting the future. What Muse Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. Men See You As ChoosyMen notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait How Do Men See You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You Are Sensual SexyYou exude a luxiourous sensuality in your everyday life Turning heads every where you go, it's all about your sexy attitude. You're naturally hot - gorgeous in both sweats and stilettos. Your biggest problem is that your utra sexy self sometimes scares men away. What Kind of Sexy Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You are Betty GrableThe ulitmate girl next door You're the perfect girl for most guys Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.
What Famous Pinup Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You are 40% Flirt How Much of a Flirt Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You Are Psyche!Eternally in search of purpose and insight. You're curious and creative with a total sense of wonder. Totally empathetic, you pick up on other's moods easily. Just be sure to pamper yourself as well!
What Goddess Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. Your Power Color Is BlueRelationships and feelngs are the most important things to you. You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict. If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well. You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
What's Your Power Color? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You Are Fall!Thoughtful Expressive Creative Poetic Smart
What Season Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You Are Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Your True Sign Is TaurusPatient
Greedy and Generous
Determined and Deliberate
Lover Of All Things Luxurous
Comfort Seeking and Comforting
What's Your True Zodiac Sign? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. You Are a Natural Beauty!You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless
What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-) You Are Most Like Charlotte!You are the ultimate romantic idealist
You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.
If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.
And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.
Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?
Could be very serious - if you play your cards right!
Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like? Take This Quiz Right Now!
That's all for tonight. That has been a great distraction. I'm much calmer and more focused. I just hope everything'll be alright.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Journal Jar #27
Journal Jar #27
What do you feel has been the most significant world event that has taken place during your lifetime and why?
So what's the most significant world event in the past fifteen years? Ummm..... 9/11, the war, the OK city bombing, Columbine, all the school shootings since, Tsunami, earthquake in Indonesia, need I go on? (I hope not b/c I'm running out of ideas!) I can't pick one.
So the Oklahoma city bombing happened at 9:02am on April 19, 1995, the bomb Timothy McVeigh set went off taking thousands of innocent lives with it. By 9:03, the explosion was over but the effects would last a lifetime for the families impacted. Children, innocent children, were in daycare on the first floor. There is a famous photo of a fireman carrying the bloody, naked body of a child out of the wreckage with tears in his eyes. Oh, I found a copy of it (taken from this website).
That little girl is one year old, exactly. It was her first birthday. That is the first traumatic event I can remember. Most of my peers do not remember it. But I do. I remember watching it with Mom in her bedroom on the one year anniversary and I remember pausing in the car for a moment of silence a few years after. I remember the song Garth Brooks wrote in the aftermath. I also realize that this is the ten year anniversary of that bombing.
Columbine occured on 4/20/99. I was nine years old. I remember hearing that a school had gotten shot up but didn't realize what it meant in the big scheme of things. But now I do. And the school shootings since then have been just as atrocious including this past one in Red Lake. The following is a collage of what I can only presume are the victims of Columbine (taken from this website).
9/11/01. Obviously henious. I was in NYC less than one month before theattack. I was eleven years old. The effects this has had on the world are known to all (or at least most). I did not cry on the day but, I did cry a year later. According to Mom, I had far too much going on in my own life at the time to be that concerned with what was happening in the world. My mom had left just over a month before and my life was falling apart around me. When I did realize how many people had passed and how rediculous this was, I cried. Alan Jackson's song "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" is what did it. We all know the effects this attack had on both America and the world. (this website)
The war in Iraq was one cause of 9/11. Thousands of our men and women have died fighting a war over "WMD" that were never found. Saddam did need to be stopped but Bush should not have lied about why we were going there in the first place. He should have been honest about it and not claimed weapons of mass destruction. Nor should it have been fought over 9/11 because, last time I checked, Sadam & Al-Queda had no direct correlation and Iraq is not where Al-Queda was headquartered. That was Afghanistan. Bush needs a geography lesson.
The Tsunami took over 200,000 lives. It was arguably the most significant NATURAL disaster in my lifetime. The recent earthquake in Indonesia destroyed relief efforts. Both are atrocious events.
So I can't pick one. There are many. Unfortunately. What is this world coming to?
25 questions
Less people read this journal and I'd rather not put this in my regular journal. It's not inappropriate but I'm not comfortable putting it in my main journal and this is the only other one it fits in.
1) At what age did you lose your virginity? Haven't.
2) At what age did you start your period? 12-ish
3) How many times a week do you get lucky? never in the sense that this question implies
4) Have you had your tubes tied? ummmm.... no. nor will I.
5) Did you have kids and if so did you have them naturally? No kids (I'm fifteen for God's sake!)
6) Have you ever smoked weed? no but I know ppl that have
7) Have you ever been arrested? nope
8) Do you have any skeletons in your closet? ummmm sorta-ish
9) Are you the huggy kissy type? not really
10) Did your mom tell you she loved you when you were little? she always has. hijacked my planner one day and wrote "I love you." in her gorgeous handwriting on randomn (and not so random) days. Like on my birthday, and her birthday, and just here and there.
11) Was your dad in your life as a child? Yep and I was Daddy's Little Girl until I turned 12 or so.
12) Have you had any surgery? Once. I had a T&A. Tonsils and adnoids. Hurt like the dickens.
13) What's the craziest thing you've tried sexually? Abstinence.
15) When was the last time you had a PAP? Haven't been to the gyno yet but the recommended age to start is now 13-15 so I'm having Dad make me an appointment soon.
16) Are your toenails painted right now? Top coat (just shiny & clear) but typically they're pink.
17) Do you smoke cigarettes? Never have.
18) Have you ever cheated on your spouse or lover? That implies having a spouse or lover.
19) Do you bite your nails? No. I'll stick in in my mouth and kinda play around with it but, I don't bite them. Both my parents do & I think it looks nasty. I've always been the one with the (natural) long nails.
20) Are you the jealous type? I sure can be. <~stolen answer
21) Do you have any pets? Smokey (my oldest kitty) just passed (nearly a month ago) and Dutchess (our "housewarming gift" from Pollyanna, a dog named Alaska. That name didn't last long.) passed in 1997. Tiger (gorgeous orange long-haired kitty, technically Joey's) and Chyna (short-haired black & white kitty that loved to make my hair a rat's nest when he was little, technically Mom's but hasn't lived with her since 8/7/01)live with my grandmother. Oh, and Pyrite (goldfish w/a black eye) and Goldie (big old goldfish) died too.
22) Have you ever been out of the country? Spent a day at Niagra Falls Canada in second grade
23) What was the last prank you played on someone? I haven't the slightest idea. Prolly last April Fools. I think I taped the sprayer. Oh, no. That was two years ago. No sprayer here.
24) What's your favorite magazine? CosmoGirl! and GP4T (now Sweet 16)
25) Bra size? last i knew, it was 34A but, that's prolly not the EXACT measurement.
That wasn't so hard. But I sure am glad I didn't put it in my main journal. I don't know why I'm so much more comfortable putting this in here. Maybe because I don't feel like as many people read this. Or maybe because I know my mom and aunt don't read this one! LOL
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Journal Jar
Welcome back, Promise!
Journal Jar #25
Did you have a close relationship with your grandparents? Tell about them.
Growing up, I've had many different grandparents. I've had Gramma, Gumpy, Grandma [insert last name], (Great-)Grandma [insert last name], and more recently Scott, Grandma (aka Shelia), Grandpa (aka Fred), Grandma Helen, and Great-Grandma. I was close with Gramma for years but now I don't like her at all. I loved my Gumpy (or Grandpa Marty) but I haven't seen him since he and Gramma split when I was seven. Grandma (Mom's mom) has always kinda scared me. But I've gotten to know her better recently. Her mom scares me. She's old and has dementia and is just basically scary. She doesn't remember me at all and always yells. I love (and miss) my great-grandma (Dad's grandma on his father's side). I haven't seen her in a while but I used to spend Easter Sunday out there. Haven't done that since Jule was here (1999). Scott is just the land shark (inside joke that I don't remember how it started but was started between August 10 and 19th of 2001). Shelia is Shelia. Fred is great. I wish I could spend more time with him. He's the first real grandpa I've had since Gumpy. Grandma Helen is someone I don't really know while as is Great-Grandma.
Journal Jar #26
Describe a trip downtown as a youngster.
Well, I never remember going downtown as a "youngster" but, apparently Midtown is considered downtown. So we went downtown every Christmas to "sit on Santa's lap" and ride the monorail. So that's my big downtown magic mountain experience.
More to come!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times!
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
Created by -ambiguous and taken 45797 times on bzoink!
What is your favorite.. gum yummy stuff? restaurant Roadhouse Grill drink Shirley Temple season Autumn type of weather kinda chilly but still warm emotion contentment thing to do on a half day chill with friends and order pizza late-night activity scary movies where "the blanket will protect you" sport horse back riding city NYC store Ikea When was the last time you.. cried a bit earlier but majorly? idk too long ago played a sport i was just running laughed less than 1/2 an hour ago hugged someone ummmm..... Sunday night kissed someone nearly two weeks ago (my baby sister) felt depressed earlier felt elated now felt overworked last night faked sick a while ago lied not long enough ago What was the last.. word you said him thing you ate 4 cinnamon rolls (ugh) song you listened to in my head? i want a cowboy by katrina elam thing you drank milk place you went to outside movie you saw The Breakfast Club movie you rented ? concert you attended ? Who was the last person you.. hugged Lindz cried over i don't honestly know kissed baby sister danced with myself shared a secret with Lindz had a sleepover with Lindz called Jake or Lindz went to a movie with Lindz, Ali, and Colleen saw my brother *barf* were angry with my father couldn't take your eyes off of ummmm.... it's been way too long since that happened obsessed over oh god. it was probably Jon Have you ever.. danced in the rain YES! kissed someone not REAL kissed done drugs never drank alcohol 3 sips slept around NO partied 'til the sun came up not quite til the sun came up had a movie marathon yes gone too far on a dare no spun until you were immensely dizzy YES taken a survey quite like this before not quiteMonday, March 28, 2005
What Kind of PJ's Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
Monday, March 21, 2005
22-24 in the Journal Jar
Journal Jar #22
What did you do as a child to get in trouble with your parents and how did they handle it?
I'm a pain in the butt. I've lied, I've talked back, I've been a general b****. I used to get "time-outs" and now I get grounded. Next question, please.
Journal Jar #23
How do you feel about Marriage?
I can't wait to get married. I believe that marriage is sacred. I think that marriage should be between two people that are in love and want to make things offical. Whether they're both of the same gender or differing ones.
Journal Jar #24
Tell about a frustrating experience you have had with a car.
This weekend, the car died while we were going to get some papers notarized for Mom. I've had cars stall everytime we slowed down. That's basically it.
I know it's not elaborate but I've got no energy to write creativly. Plus, I have to write my "LOST" story. Whatever. Byby!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Lots of quiz results. Sorry, I don't have the links but you can find them in Lindz's LJ.
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you look f***in sick
OMG you look so f***in sick when you die but you are still kool as f*** so yeah<o:p></o:p>
Shooting Self
You will take the EASIEST way out. You want to be gone. No one will expect it to happen, you just one day will be. Be careful, stay and make peace and there is no easy way out anyways.<o:p></o:p>
Teastaioinn cineal uaim
Teastaioinn cineal uaim - 'I want sex.'Horny little bugger, aren't you? You enjoy porn and being naked. Hell, you're probably naked right now. Both hands on the keyboard, you pervert!<o:p></o:p>
BEAUTIFUL personality
You have a Beautiful personality. You appreciate sophisticated fashions and you're a fan of the BIG labels from Paris. You are elegant and have a carefree mind.<o:p></o:p>
You're not a god or goddess. You're just...normal. Basically a normal teenager, kid, or adult, getting through life with what it has .to offer and accepting it for Quite boring, but average.<o:p></o:p>
your have bloody teared eyes. You eyes have seen much pain, either your pain or a friends pain. You cry with them, and for them. They are someone that has been there for you, no matter the situation, and you hate to see that person get put down, or talked about. Your a good friend to stay by their side and cry for them. But yourself you only cry in the darkness of your room, knowing that no one really cares about you, even thought thy really do.....
and the pics wouldn't work. so basically, disregard this entry. i'll redo it tomorrow-ish.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Journal Jar and some quizzes!
Journal Jar #20
What do you think of TV and what is your favorite show?
TV is fine. Daytime TV tends to suck but, it's fine. I haven't watched much lately but there are some shows I love. I don't have one favorite show. I love Law & Order: SVU, Strong Medicine, General Hospital, Charmed, and Everwood to name a few. Anybody remember Fraggle Rock? I loved that!
Journal Jar #21
Did you celebrate Halloween as a child? What costumes did you wear?
Yes, I did and still do! I've been Barbie a time or two, "Good Sandy" from Grease, a sockhopper, a 50's roller-skating waitress w/o the rollerskates, a witch multiple times, a Temptress (this year), Cleopatra, a mouse (my first Halloween), and some other things that I can't remember! I was going to be Marilyn Monroe this year but they were all sold out of the costume! I was so ticked. But then the guy started hitting on me and all was good. I wanted a costume that would "scare my dad" and he helped me out. Pointing out "sexy fairy" and "bad pixie" and other sexy costumes. I wound up getting "Temptress" and having old men check me out all night. *shudders* This year, something a little less "sexy" perhaps. Yes, I am fifteen and I will be trick-or-treating this year. Or else I will be going to a Halloween party. Depending on who throws one.
That's all the catch-up I have time for! But, here's some quiz results!
You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate are You?
You Are the Girl Next Door!You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry.
Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love.
But this doesn't mean you're dull - far from it!
You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.
You've got the personality of a blue eyed women
You're intense and expressive - and always on the go
You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in
But my eyes are brown. Oh, well.
That's all for today! Bye!
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Journal Jar #19... with pics!
Journal Jar #19
Describe your mother's wedding dress. What do you know about her wedding?
I just did an entry about Mom's second wedding. Rather than rewrite it, I'll link it! hehe ^_^ As for her first wedding (to my father), it was a small, simple ceremony on December 22, 1989. She was seven months pregnant with me. She did not wear a wedding dress. She wore a black sweater with little flowers on it and black dress pants. She did her own hair and make-up or else my grandmother did it for her. They were married in front of the Christmas tree. I know this may sound very disconnected despite that it's my parent's wedding that I'm talking about but that's because it is. That wedding has less significance to me than the divorce. It impacted me less and I have (obviously) less memories from it. My parents planned to renew their vows in 1999. I was to be flower girl, junior bridesmaid, and carry my mom's train. Much responsibility for a girl going on ten. The wedding never happened but Mom had bought a dress. Below are photos of me in the dress.
Oh, my. It's the train.
The back of the dress. You can't see my head much, if at all, but I'm in there. If the ruffles didn't eat me.
The front of the dress. You can't see the intricate beadwork and it looks more yellow than it is.
Lindz told me to strike a pose. I struck a pose. Yea, we're dorks.
I guess I'm caught up now. At least in the Journal Jar. Time for that English paper. I think.
Monday, March 7, 2005
Catch-up, yet again.
Journal Jar #18
ONE WORD on how to live successfully....
Just one? Heart. You have to have heart, you have to follow your heart, you have to trust your heart, you have to love with your heart, you have to listen to your heart. So I choose heart.
More later!
Sunday, March 6, 2005
Thursday, March 3, 2005
#14 - #17
Journal Jar #14
Are there any family heirlooms in your possession? Tell about them and how you acquired them.
I'm not in posession of most of the family heirlooms that I know I'm going to acquire yet but I do have a few. My mom's grandfather, her Popeye, gave her a set of dishes on the day she was born. I have a few of those dishes. If I could find them quickly, I'd take a picture and post it here. I also have my grandmother's old camera. It requires flashbulbs and film. *gasp* It's freakin' old but, cool. Never taken a picture with it. I have 3 rings from my great-grandmother and I have the sweater my mom wore at her wedding (hard to find a cheap wedding dress when you're 7 months pregnant). I have the dress she bought to renew her vows (to Dad) but never wore hanging in the basement. I'll get Lindz to take a picture of me in it tomorrow. It's gorgeous and it fits me. Except the bust. lol Exactly how it fits Mom! LOL I'm going to get my mom's hamburger recipe someday, too.
Journal Jar #15
What church jobs have your parents had? What do you remember about your parents and church?
Ha! My parents? Hold church jobs? Never going to happen. I remember my parents going only when I forced them because of my preformances or because it was a holiday. I forced them one year on Easter because I was singing and playing in the bell choir. Mom wore a flowery dress and white fur coat. Dad fell asleep. I remember being embarrassed about Mom's coat. It's an older congregation and nobody dressed like that. I nearly fainted for the first time that day. That is what I remember about my parents and church. Yes, that IS all.
Journal Jar #16
Did you have a childhood "hangout" or "hideout"? Describe.
Not really. Now I've got "The Corner" in mornings and Starbucks every now and then. But I don't really hang out anywhere specifically. The Corner is just a stairwell in my school that a bunch of my friends hang around. Starbucks is just Starbucks. Expect photos of Starbucks coming soon, actually.
Journal Jar #17
Do you like picnics? Have you been on any picnics that stick out in your mind?
Yep, I like picnics. I used to have them all the time inside during the days it was too crappy outside. I remember eating tuna sandwiches in the back corner of the yard behind the swingset in from of MY crab apple tree on a sheet with my brother. We had chips and soda, too. Liz, Lindz, and I had one in the parking lot on a sheet. We had sunflower seeds, sandwiches, soda, and chips. Very healthy, eh? LOL Then we went down to the pond. That's about it! Oh, and we have church picnics and such but I don't count those. Picnics have sandwiches, not grilled meat. That's just my opinion though.
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Power Color
Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
How'd I miss this one?
Journal Jar #13
Do you remember any special events that took place in your neighborhood while you were growing up? (deaths, fires, accidents etc)?
Nothing really happened here! We had a fire a couple weeks ago. The blackout of '04. Ice storm of '92-ish. Nothing really though. I remember the fire and the black-out. I remember thunderstorms and snowstorms but nothing spectacular. Nothing happened when I was young. Seriously. Welcome to small town life. Hahaha! Time to do stuffs!
Love always,
Saturday, February 26, 2005
More ketchup!
More Journal Jar Catching-up
Journal Jar #9
Do you speak any other languages? What are they? Have you ever taken classes to try to learn another language?
I speak English (obviously), German, and ASL. I've taken classes for German, ASL, and I had a semester of French, one of Latin, and one of Spanish. I love ASL. For those of you who don't know, that's American Sign Language. I love to talk with my hands and being Italian, it's nice when I can have a purpose for it instead of just waving them around as I always tend to do.
Journal Jar #10
Did it snow where you grew up? What did you do in the snow?
I grew up/ am growing up in Rochester, NY. I used to make snowmen, snow angels, and have snow ball fights. Once my dad made me a house in the snow with stairs and loveseats and chairs and couches. I loved it.
Journal Jar #11
Who taught you to drive a car?
Okay, just because I'm fifteen and I can't get my permit until next year doesn't mean I haven't driven. I grew up sitting on "Daddy's lap" and "driving" aka steering on clear roads and into the driveway. I remember one time when I was "driving" that Dad had to take over because the cars were parked so closely that I would've hit one of them. I had a dream about it too before it happened. For some reason it still haunts me.
Journal Jar # 12
What kind of sports did you play when you were young? What was your favorite sport? What IS your favorite sport now? (playing or watching).
I didn't. I've never been athletic and I've never played sports much. I did play soccer for years in the recreational leagues and I still suck at it. I played baseball for a year and could hardly hit the ball! I don't like sports now except for gymnastics. I love the uneven bars, balance beam, and parallel bars!
That's all for Journal Jar today! I'm all caught up! WooHoo!
Children, cover your eyes!
Practical, comfortable, and classic
You want your man to feel relaxed and himself with you
Your perfect guy is low maintenance and adaptable
And he makes you feel comfy and cozy too!
Practical, comfortable, classic... that's me
Relaxed and himself.... would help
Low maintenance.... yep
Adaptable.... uh-huh
Comfy and cozy are a definite pro!
Onto the next entry........
Friday, February 25, 2005
Catching up....
Journal Jar Ketchup... I mean Catch-Up
Journal Jar #6
Did you have a roommate? What was that person like? What did you learn about living with other people besides your own family?
I haven't moved out yet but I have kinda moved into my friends houses before. Liz first, then Lindz. I learned that too much exposure to a friend can turn the relationship. But I loved it. Lindz hated it when I basically lived with Liz because we got so close and kinda excluded her. You see, with the three of us muskteers, we'd switch on and off between being best friends. It'd be Lindz and Liz then Liz and me then Lindz and me. It always switched but the three of us were always close no matter what.
Journal Jar #7
What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone in your home?
Speaking of being home alone, I am right now! Thanks goodness! Typically, I put on my favorite nightgown (which I don't let any see me in because it's actually lingerie) and watch Comedy Central Presents.... which is stand-up comedy. Amateurs but they're funny as h-e-double hockey sticks. I eat junk food and just live by myself for a couple hours. But tonight, I'm catching up on journals and hangin' out (in jeans and a hoodie b/c I don't sit at the computer in a negligee). It's quite fun and entertaining.
Journal Jar #8
What are your dreams, hopes and expectations for your children?
Well, at the young age of fifteen, I have not yet followed in the footsteps of my mother or grandmother (both of whom had children at the age of fifteen; mom's first and BG's second). Thus I have no children to answer this question about. I shall take BOTH of Promise's suggestions and I shall answer about both myself and a child in my life (for me, it's my baby sister).
My dreams, hopes, and expectations for myself first.....
OW! Frozen "silky dark chocolate" Dove bar! Ahhhh! As I was saying.... I dream of finding true love. I hope to find Prince Charming. And I fully expect to. I hope to go to college. On a full acedemic scholarship. Not a community college. Maybe not Ivy League but a good school. Like a state school or such. UCLA or Columbia or such. I hope to love with all my heart, to give myself 100% to someone, to be myself around him and not fear him abandoning me (since we all know children of divorce tend to have those fears and maybe I do subconsciously). I dream of being happy, of continuing my musical studies, but of being able to listen to karaoke without cringing at their bad technique. I want to take up piano again, to be able to play the bass part at the same time, to use my left hand just as well as my right. To play something amazing like they always do on TV, like Ephram on Everwood. To rekindle my friendships from my old town (and gosh is it hard to not just use the name of the town) and to be able to hang out with Jon without feeling betrayed or hurt or afraid. To figure out what the deal is with Tom, and Jake, and Murph, and Taylor, and all the other guys that come along. (Mental note: must update general public on the male situation in my life.) I have many hopes, dreams, and expectations for myself. I expect to get my room clean, to FLY. Onto my baby sister.....
I hope she doesn't have to deal with the cops like I did. I hope she grows up happy and playing in the dirt like a normal little girl. I hope she plays with her Barbies too. I hope she doesn't fall into the kind of life that leads to the kind of life I'm trying to avoid. The life filled with sex, drugs, and parties. I hope she manages to get good grades. I hope she's happy. I hope she turns to me when she needs to talk, or cry, or when she gets interested in boys or make-up. I hope I can be there for her the way I thought Jule was going to be for me (from afar, of course). I hope she lets me be there. Even when she gets older and rebellious and starts pushing people away. I dream of a good life for her. Without her parents fighting. I dream of a life for her that everyone wants. Some highs, some lows, but some good times sprinkled throughout. I expect her to grow up to break hearts. I expect that she pull the cats tail and be a "terrible two". But I also expect that she want to dance with me when The Wiggles CD goes in. I expect that she come to my wedding and that I get invited to hers. I expect her to be my bridesmaid (or flower girl, depending on how long it takes me to get hitched, lol). I expect that she wait, just as I am, to have children and that she not take after Mom. I love my mother but I don't want the life she had. I don't want my Pixie baby to have that life. *tears* That's heavier than I thought it would get. lol
I'd love to do more tonight but, I've got only a few minutes. I'll finish catching up tomorrow. Much love to all!
Monday, February 21, 2005
Goddess Eyes
That would be me! hehe ^_^ Which Goddess are you?
In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything because your eyes are covered up by tears! You are constantly hurt and depressed... No one seems to understand how you feel because everyone is scared to get close to you... You long to be able to reach out and tell someone everything, and all of your problems... But you have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to want to hear what you have to say. You've been hurt many times that you don't seem to have any tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an endless river flowing... You've started to hide and bottle up all or your problems and feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go away... You want company, but at the same time, you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your room where you can just be alone and try to throw away all of your aching pains. You're dark and mysterious and people like you for that reason. Even if you think you're all by yourself in the dark, someone is always there with you. Your special someone wants to admit and show their feelings towards you, but they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out more and enjoy life because, it is far too long to frown your way through :)
Definitly somewhat like me. I guess I'm just in that place where no matter how happy I am at the circumstances (like last night at the lock-in!) there's some place inside me that's sad and confused. I'm trying to change that. What lies behind your eyes?
Quizzes found at Angel's journal
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Did you belong to girl/boy scouts? Tell something about that?
Oh, yeah! I was in girl scounts from Daisies (Kindergarten) until Juniors (Fifth Grade) and probably would be still if I hadn't moved. I loved it! We met once a week at my school and mostly in the cafeteria. It was somewhat boring at times but we did stuff like waitress at a local diner for a Spaghetti Charity Thingy. Not the actual name but, still we did it. Served salads and spaghetti (obviously) and bread. Oh, and drinks, of course. Not alcoholic drinks but soda and milk and such. 'Twas quite fun. Now I sound like Jake. (Perhaps because I'm talking to him. In an old english dialect that began over me sending him this "rose": @~>. And then he sent me one. hehe ^_^) We made crafts and had a great deal of fun every week. We had planned to travel to London when we were 12 but it got postponed until 14. I lost touch and I don't know if they went to London or NYC or anywhere and I sure didn't go with them. But yes, I was in Girl Scouts.
Must go..... much love!